Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Me n Bus

Just me n Bus

Nikon D50 | F/10 | Shutter Speed 1/500s | Focal Lenght 35mm | ISO 400 | DI with Photoshop

Friday, December 7, 2012

Jet Bus 1526HD White Horse Deluxe Coach

Nikon D50 | F/10 | Shutter Speed 1/500s | Focal Lenght 26mm | ISO 400 | DI with Photoshop

Monday, December 3, 2012

Coffee Cup

Canon EOS 50D | F/5 | Shutter Speed 1/60s | Focal Lenght 70mm | ISO 1600 | DI with Photoshop

Bumblebee Camaro

Nikon D50 | F/5,6 | Shutter Speed 1/15s | Focal Lenght 55mm | ISO 400 | DI with Photoshop

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chibi Guan Yu Gundam on Mac

Nikon D50 | F/3,5 | Shutter Speed 1/8s | Focal Lenght 19mm | ISO 400 | DI with Photoshop
Yohanes Joel

Nikon D50 | F/3,8 | Shutter Speed 1/13s | Focal Lenght 22mm | ISO 400 | DI with Photoshop
Yohanes Joel

Day Trans Booth at Indonesia International Motorshow 2012

Untuk kedua kalinya saya berkesempatan untuk mendesain salah satu booth peserta pameran yang cukup bergengsi di Indonesia. Pameran Indonesia International Motorshow 2012 yang melibatkan ratusan peserta dari berbagai media transportasi.

Booth yang saya desain adalah booth Day Trans yang menjadi salah satu partner IIMS 2012 kali ini sebagai media transportasi pengunjung dari Bandung menuju Jakarta dan drop off di JI - Expo Kemayoran.

Pengerjaan booth ini selesai dalam waktu 2 hari yang dibantu oleh pihak kontraktor JI - Expo sebagai tuan rumah acara ini. Konsep booth ini adalah lebih menonjolkan brand Day Trans sebagai sebuah executive shuttle yang terpercaya dan terjangkau.

Hari Pertama di Sore Hari...

Hari Kedua Pagi Hari

Opening Pameran

Monday, November 19, 2012

Brand Basic - What is brand?

What is brand?

As competition creates infinite choices, companies look for ways to connect emotionally with customers, become irreplaceable, and create lifelong relationships. A strong brand stands out in a densely crowded marketplace. People fall in love with brands, trust them,and believe in their superiority. How a brand is perceived affects its success, regardless of whether it’s a start-up, a nonprofit, or a product.

A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product,service, or company.
Marty Neumeier - The Brand Gap

Who are you? Who needs to know? How will they find out? Why should they care?

Brands have three primary functions*

Brands help consumers choose from a bewildering array of choices.

Brands communicate the intrinsic quality of the product or service and reassure customers that they have made the right choice.

Brands use distinctive imagery, language, and associations to encourage customers to identify with the brand.

*David Haigh, CEO, Brand Finance

Quoted from the book Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler